name) == 'rss') { ShowFeed_RSS($XmlRoot); } else if (strtolower($XmlRoot->name) == 'feed') { ShowFeed_Atom($XmlRoot); } else if (strtolower($XmlRoot->name) == 'rdf:rdf') { ShowFeed_RDF($XmlRoot); } else if (strtolower($XmlRoot->name) == 'smf:xml-feed') { ShowFeed_SMFXMLFEED($XmlRoot, 'http://www.your-smf-forum.tld/', 'Forum title', 'Your SMF...'); } } } // ############################################################################# function ShowFeed_RSS($XmlRoot) { global $Feed_NoTitle; global $Feed_RSS_ShowEnclosure; global $Feed_MaxItems; global $Feed_ShowInfo; global $Feed_ShowDescription; $title = GetFirstChildContentByPath($XmlRoot, 'channel/title'); $link = GetFirstChildContentByPath($XmlRoot, 'channel/link'); $desc = GetFirstChildContentByPath($XmlRoot, 'channel/description'); if (!$title) $title = $Feed_NoTitle; if ($link) { $outTitle = ''.htmlentities($title).''; } else { $outTitle = ''.htmlentities($title).''; } echo '
'; echo $outTitle.'
'.$desc; echo "
\n"; $nodelist = GetChildrenByPathAndName($XmlRoot, 'channel', 'item'); if (!$nodelist) return 0; $iItemCount = 0; foreach ($nodelist as $nl) { if ($Feed_MaxItems > -1) if ($iItemCount >= $Feed_MaxItems) break; $title = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'title'); $link = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'link'); $desc = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'description'); $creator = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'author'); if (!$creator) $creator = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'dc:creator'); $pubdate = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'pubDate'); if (!$pubdate) $pubdate = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'dc:date'); if ($pubdate) $pubdate = strtotime($pubdate); if ($pubdate) { if (strftime('%H%M%S', $pubdate) == '000000') { $pubdate = strftime('%d.%m.%Y', $pubdate); } else { $pubdate = strftime('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S', $pubdate); } } if (!$title) $title = $Feed_NoTitle; if ($link) { $outTitle = ''.htmlentities($title).''; } else { $outTitle = ''.htmlentities($title).''; } $outInfo = $creator; if ( ($creator != '') && ($pubdate != '') ) $outInfo .= ' @ '; $outInfo .= $pubdate; if ($outInfo != '') $outInfo = ' ('.htmlentities($outInfo).')'; if ($Feed_RSS_ShowEnclosure) { $encl = ''; $enclNode = GetFirstChildByName($nl, 'enclosure'); if ($enclNode) { $enclUrl = GetAttribByName($enclNode, 'url'); $enclLen = intval(GetAttribByName($enclNode, 'length')); $enclTyp = GetAttribByName($enclNode, 'type'); $path_parts = pathinfo($enclUrl); $enclFile = urldecode($path_parts['filename'].'.'.$path_parts['extension']); if ($enclLen >= 1000 * 1024) { $enclLen = $enclLen / 1024 / 1024; $enclLenOut = ' ('.number_format($enclLen, 2, ',', '.').' MB)'; } else if ($enclLen > 0) { $enclLen = $enclLen / 1024; $enclLenOut = ' ('.number_format($enclLen, 0, ',', '.').' KB)'; } else { $enclLenOut = ""; } $encl = '
'; } } echo '
'; echo $outTitle; if ($Feed_ShowInfo) echo $outInfo; if ($Feed_ShowDescription) echo '
'; if ($Feed_RSS_ShowEnclosure) echo $encl; echo "
\n"; $iItemCount++; } // Das Entfernen oder í„ndern der nachfolgenden Zeile ist nur mit ausdrücklicher Genhmigung des Autors gestattet! echo '

Powered by RSS Reader (

'; } // ############################################################################# function ShowFeed_Atom($XmlRoot) { global $Feed_NoTitle; global $Feed_RSS_ShowEnclosure; global $Feed_MaxItems; global $Feed_ShowInfo; global $Feed_ShowDescription; $title = GetFirstChildContentByPath($XmlRoot, 'title'); $link = GetFirstChildContentByPath($XmlRoot, 'link'); $desc = GetFirstChildContentByPath($XmlRoot, 'subtitle'); if (!$title) $title = $Feed_NoTitle; if ($link) { $outTitle = ''.htmlentities($title).''; } else { $outTitle = ''.htmlentities($title).''; } echo '
'; echo $outTitle.'
'.$desc; echo "
\n"; $nodelist = GetChildrenByPathAndName($XmlRoot, '', 'entry'); if (!$nodelist) return 0; $iItemCount = 0; foreach ($nodelist as $nl) { if ($Feed_MaxItems > -1) if ($iItemCount >= $Feed_MaxItems) break; $title = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'title'); $link = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'link'); $desc = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'summary'); $creator = GetFirstChildContentByPath($nl, 'author/name'); $pubdate = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'updated'); if (!$pubdate) $pubdate = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'modified'); if (!$pubdate) $pubdate = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'created'); if ($pubdate) $pubdate = strtotime($pubdate); if ($pubdate) { if (strftime('%H%M%S', $pubdate) == '000000') { $pubdate = strftime('%d.%m.%Y', $pubdate); } else { $pubdate = strftime('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S', $pubdate); } } if (!$title) $title = $Feed_NoTitle; if ($link) { $outTitle = ''.htmlentities($title).''; } else { $outTitle = ''.htmlentities($title).''; } $outInfo = $creator; if ( ($creator != '') && ($pubdate != '') ) $outInfo .= ' @ '; $outInfo .= $pubdate; if ($outInfo != '') $outInfo = ' ('.htmlentities($outInfo).')'; echo '
'; echo $outTitle; if ($Feed_ShowInfo) echo $outInfo; if ($Feed_ShowDescription) echo '
'; echo "
\n"; $iItemCount++; } // Das Entfernen oder í„ndern der nachfolgenden Zeile ist nur mit ausdrücklicher Genhmigung des Autors gestattet! echo '

Powered by RSS Reader (

'; } // ############################################################################# function ShowFeed_RDF($XmlRoot) { global $Feed_NoTitle; global $Feed_MaxItems; global $Feed_ShowInfo; global $Feed_ShowDescription; $title = GetFirstChildContentByPath($XmlRoot, "channel/title"); $link = GetFirstChildContentByPath($XmlRoot, "channel/link"); $desc = GetFirstChildContentByPath($XmlRoot, "channel/description"); if (!$title) $title = $Feed_NoTitle; if ($link) { $outTitle = ''.htmlentities($title).''; } else { $outTitle = ''.htmlentities($title).''; } echo '
'; echo $outTitle.'
'.$desc; echo "
\n"; $nodelist = $XmlRoot->children; if (!$nodelist) return 0; $iItemCount = 0; foreach ($nodelist as $nl) { if ($Feed_MaxItems > -1) if ($iItemCount >= $Feed_MaxItems) break; if (strtolower($nl->name) != 'item') continue; $title = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'title'); $link = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'link'); $desc = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'description'); $creator = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'author'); $creator = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'dc:creator'); $pubdate = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'pubDate'); if (!$pubdate) $pubdate = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'dc:date'); if ($pubdate != '') intval($pubdate = strtotime($pubdate)); if ($pubdate > 0) $pubdate = strftime('%d.%m.%Y', $pubdate); else $pubdate = ''; if (!$title) $title = $Feed_NoTitle; if ($link) { $outTitle = ''.htmlentities($title).''; } else { $outTitle = ''.htmlentities($title).''; } $outInfo = $creator; if ( ($creator != '') && ($pubdate != '') ) $outInfo .= ' @ '; $outInfo .= $pubdate; if ($outInfo != '') $outInfo = ' ('.htmlentities($outInfo).')'; echo '
'; echo $outTitle; if ($Feed_ShowInfo) echo $outInfo; if ($Feed_ShowDescription) echo '
'; echo "
\n"; $iItemCount++; } // Das Entfernen oder í„ndern der nachfolgenden Zeile ist nur mit ausdrücklicher Genhmigung des Autors gestattet! echo '

Powered by RSS Reader (

'; } // ############################################################################# function ShowFeed_SMFXMLFEED($XmlRoot, $link, $title, $desc) { global $Feed_NoTitle; global $Feed_MaxItems; global $Feed_ShowInfo; global $Feed_ShowDescription; if (!$title) $title = $Feed_NoTitle; if ($link) { $outTitle = ''.htmlentities($title).''; } else { $outTitle = ''.htmlentities($title).''; } echo '
'; echo $outTitle.'
'.$desc; echo "
\n"; $nodelist = $XmlRoot->children; if (!$nodelist) return 0; $iItemCount = 0; foreach ($nodelist as $nl) { if ($Feed_MaxItems > -1) if ($iItemCount >= $Feed_MaxItems) break; $title = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'subject'); $link = GetFirstChildContentByPath($nl, 'link'); $desc = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'body'); $poster = GetFirstChildContentByPath($nl, 'poster/name'); $posterlink = GetFirstChildContentByPath($nl, 'poster/link'); if (!$title) $title = $Feed_NoTitle; if ($link) { $outTitle = ''.htmlentities($title).''; } else { $outTitle = ''.$title.''; } if ( ($poster != '') && ($posterlink != '') ) $poster = ''.htmlentities($poster).''; $pubdate = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'time'); $outInfo = $poster; if ( ($poster != '') && ($pubdate != '') ) $outInfo .= ' @ '; $outInfo .= $pubdate; if ($outInfo != '') $outInfo = ' ('.htmlentities($outInfo).')'; echo '
'; echo $outTitle; if ($Feed_ShowInfo) echo $outInfo; if ($Feed_ShowDescription) echo '
'; echo "
\n"; $iItemCount++; } // Das Entfernen oder í„ndern der nachfolgenden Zeile ist nur mit ausdrücklicher Genhmigung des Autors gestattet! echo '

Powered by RSS Reader (

'; } // ############################################################################# function GetAttribByName($XmlNode, $sName, $bCase = false) { if (!$bCase) $sName = strtolower($sName); if (!$bCase) $aAttributes = array_change_key_case($XmlNode->attributes, CASE_LOWER); if (isset($aAttributes[$sName])) return $aAttributes[$sName]; else return false; } // ############################################################################# function GetChildrenByPathAndName($XmlRoot, $sPath, $sName, $bCase = false) { $oRes = array(); $oNode = $XmlRoot; if ($sPath != '') { $aPath = GetPath($sPath); foreach ($aPath as $p) { $oNode = GetFirstChildByName($oNode, $p); if (!$oNode) return false; } } foreach ($oNode->children as $c) { if ($bCase) { if (strcmp($c->name, $sName) == 0) $oRes[count($oRes)] = $c; } else { if (strcasecmp($c->name, $sName) == 0) $oRes[count($oRes)] = $c; } } return $oRes; } // ############################################################################# function GetChildrenByPath($XmlRoot, $sPath, $bCase = false) { $aPath = GetPath($sPath); $oNode = $XmlRoot; foreach ($aPath as $p) { $oNode = GetFirstChildByName($oNode, $p, $bCase); if (!$oNode) return false; } return $oNode->children; } // ############################################################################# function GetFirstChildContentByPath($XmlRoot, $sPath, $bCase = false) { $oNode = GetFirstChildByPath($XmlRoot, $sPath, $bCase); if ($oNode) return $oNode->content; else return ''; } // ############################################################################# function GetFirstChildByPath($XmlRoot, $sPath, $bCase = false) { $aPath = GetPath($sPath); $oNode = $XmlRoot; foreach ($aPath as $p) { $oNode = GetFirstChildByName($oNode, $p, $bCase); if (!$oNode) return false; } return $oNode; } // ############################################################################# function GetFirstChildContentByName($oParent, $sName, $bCase = False) { $oNode = GetFirstChildByName($oParent, $sName, $bCase); if ($oNode) return $oNode->content; else return ''; } // ############################################################################# function GetFirstChildByName($oParent, $sName, $bCase = false) { if (count($oParent->children) < 1) return 0; if ($bCase) $sName = strtolower($sName); foreach ($oParent->children as $c) { if ($bCase) { if (strcmp($c->name, $sName) == 0) return $c; } else { if (strcasecmp($c->name, $sName) == 0) return $c; } } return false; } // ############################################################################# function GetPath($sPath, $iMax = 32) { return explode('/', $sPath, $iMax); } // ############################################################################# class XmlElement { var $name; var $attributes; var $content; var $children; }; // ############################################################################# function ParseXmlFile($sFileName) { $handle = @fopen($sFileName, 'rb'); $xml = ''; if (!$handle) return false; while (!feof($handle)) { $xml .= fread($handle, 4096); } fclose($handle); $parser = xml_parser_create(); xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0); xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1); xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, 'iso-8859-1'); xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $xml, $tags); xml_parser_free($parser); $elements = array(); $stack = array(); $iItemCount = 0; foreach ($tags as $tag) { $index = count($elements); if ( ($tag['type'] == 'complete') || ($tag['type'] == 'open') ) { $elements[$index] = new XmlElement; if (isset($tag['tag'])) $elements[$index]->name = $tag['tag']; if (isset($tag['attributes'])) $elements[$index]->attributes = $tag['attributes']; if (isset($tag['value'])) $elements[$index]->content = $tag['value']; if ($tag['type'] == 'open') { $elements[$index]->children = array(); $stack[count($stack)] = &$elements; $elements = &$elements[$index]->children; } } if ($tag['type'] == 'close') { $elements = &$stack[count($stack) - 1]; unset($stack[count($stack) - 1]); } } return $elements[0]; } ?> Custom business software engineering - Lone-Soft Bt.

LONE-SOFT Ügyviteli Tanácsadó Bt.


Management Information System
Customized development
Development videos

Technical information

Appliances and resources used for development of softwares:

  • Microsoft SQL

  • MS Visual Foxpro (VFP)

  • .NET, PHP, JAVA, Delphi

  • The developing team consists of 1-15 persons depending on the requirements


Development outsourcing

We offer our free capacity to IT firms. We can take part in projects with flexible resource allocation, those complete the parameters above.

Customized development

What kind of advantages offers a software to you, developed by Lone-soft

  • Setting administration- and analysing possibilities those fully fit to the individual structure, activity and working methods of the firm

  • Continuous and creative co-operation between the customer and the programmer

  • Individual training while introduction

  • Follow-up of the changes and innovation of the firm


In case you are interested, don’t hesitate to send an e-mail.
Make sure of our reliability by studying the References.
We implement your ideas with modern equipments.

